Meg Deyell
Tech Wizard

Favourite play: Cymbeline
Favourite character: Imogen
Meg's love of Shakespeare was cemented in Year 9 at school, when her drama teacher made the class do nothing but the Bard for a whole term. Although she has performed in a number of his plays (Hero, Hermia ... always the short brunette!), these days she is found hiding just out of sight of the audience, pulling the metaphorical puppet strings as a professional stage manager. Meg brings her technical theatre skills to the Soothplayers, improvising with the lighting to create atmospheric scenes that support what her fellow Players are doing onstage. She sort of elbowed her way in, turning up and offering to help out when the Soothplayers were in Stratford in April 2016, having never met any of them before, and they've been letting her play too ever since!
When she's not improvising Shakespearean lighting, Meg can be most likely found at the Arts Centre as resident stage manager for Melbourne-based musical theatre company The Production Company, or out on the bay on the tall ship Enterprize as a member of its crew. You can also catch her wizard tech skills in the Soothplayers' sister show, 'Completely Improvised Potter'.